Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing
Version 2.2 (dd. October 19th, 2012)
Produced by the ‘Glossary Working Party’
International Software Testing Qualifications Board
This new version has been developed to support the Advanced level syllabi (Version 2012)
and the Expert level syllabus Test Management (Version 2011). In addition a new of change
request have been implemented in version 2.2 of the ISTQB Glossary.
Much time and effort is wasted both within and between industry, commerce, government and
professional and academic institutions when ambiguities arise as a result of the inability to
differentiate adequately between such terms as ‘statement coverage’ and ‘decision coverage’;
‘test suite’, ‘test specification’ and ‘test plan’ and similar terms which form an interface
between various sectors of society. Moreover, the professional or technical use of these terms
is often at variance, with different meanings attributed to them.