Standard Glossary of Terms Used in Software Testing V3.0
Standard Glossary of Terms Used in
Software Testing
Version 3.0
Introduction to this Glossary
The ISTQB Glossary contains the definitions of testing terms used in the different ISTQB syllabi. This
includes all terms stated as keywords in the ISTQB syllabi, as well as other terms of major importance.
This document contains a report of all terms contained in the ISTQB Glossary.
This Glossary focuses on terms that have a specific meaning in testing. Some related non-testing
terms are also included if they play a major role in testing, such as terms used in software quality
assurance and software lifecycle models. However, most terms of other software engineering
disciplines are not covered in this document, even if they are used in various ISTQB syllabi.
Purpose of the ISTQB Glossary
The ISTQB Glossary has two main objectives:
• Support the ISTQB syllabi by defining the terms used in the various syllabi
• Support communication within the international testing community and with its stakeholders by
providing a standard testing vocabulary
In compiling this glossary, the Working Group has sought the views and comments of a broad
spectrum of opinion in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of
producing an international testing standard that would gain wide acceptance. Total agreement will
rarely, if ever, be achieved in compiling a document of this nature. Contributions to this glossary have
been received from testing communities from all over the world.
Being written in English, the current version of the Glossary is designed to also support other
languages. ISTQB Member Boards are encouraged to incorporate their translations.
Glossary Structure
The glossary has been arranged in a single section of terms and their definitions, ordered
alphabetically. For each term, the following additional attributes are shown where applicable:
- Synonyms: Some terms are preferred to other synonymous ones, in which case, the preferred
term appears as an entry, with the synonyms indicated.
- See also: These entries contain cross-references to related terms. Such cross-references are
indicated for relationships such as broader term to a narrower term, and overlapping meaning
between two terms.
- Ref: without the addition of “after”, e.g., ISO 9126, this means that the exact definition of the
reference is used. In case of minor changes used to adapt the definition to the context of the
ISTQB Glossary, the addition “after” is used, e.g., Ref: After ISO 9126. The complete list of
references used in the ISTQB Glossary is listed below.

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